Bihar engineering university question paper solution. Electrical engineering beu pyq solution. Digital Signal processing(DSP) pyq solution 2022. BEU PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPER ARE VERY important for exams. BEU NOTES , BEU ORGANIZER

(a) List any two properties of discrete-time systems.

(b) Write the relationship between DFT and Z-transform.

(c) What is the condition on ROC for a system to be causal and stable?

(d) Write the differences between one-sided and two-sided Z-transforms.

(e) How is Chebyshev approximation different from Butterworth approxima- tion in terms of frequency response of an LPF?

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(f) If X(k) is the N-point DFT of x(n), then what is the DFT of WN x(n)?

(g) What do you mean by transposed form structure?

(h) Define the term twiddle factor.

(i) What are the salient windowing technique? features of

(j) Define the term cross-correlation and write its significance.

2. (a) Determine the solution of the differenceequationy(n) = 5/6 * y(n – 1) – 1/6 * y(n – 2) + x(n)whenthex(n) = 2 ^ n * u(n) .forcing function is

(B) A causal system is represented byy(n) + 0.25y(n – 1) = x(n) + 0.5x(n – 1)Compute H(z) and find the unit impulse response of the system in analytical form.

3. (a) Explain in detail how a band-limitedsignal can be reconstructed from its samples in time and frequency domains without any loss of signal information.

(b) Determine the terms sampling theorem, nyquist rate, Nyquist interval and aliasing.

4 (a) Determine all possible signals of x(n) associated Z-transforms : (i) X(z) = (ii) X(z) = with the following 1 1-0-5z¹ +0-25z-2 52-1 (1-22-¹)(1-3x-2)

(b) Determine Z-transform and ROC of the finite-duration signal x(n) = (1,0,4,5,7,0,1)

5. (a) State and prove time reversal property of DFT.

(b) Find the circular convolution of the two sequences x₁(n) = (1,2,3,1} and X2(n) = (4,3,2,2) using concentric circles method. Verify the results using DFT IDFT method.

(c) The 4-point DFT x(n) (real sequence) isX(k) = {1, j, 1, – j} . Find the DFT of the following sequences:x 1 (n)=x ((n + 1)) (ii) x 2 (n)=x ((4 – n)) \

6. (a)Realize the following system using directform-1, direct form-II, cascade form andparallel form:y(n)=0.75y(n-1)-0.12 overline 5y(n – 2) + 6x(n)- 7x(n – 1) / x * (n – 2)

(b) Realize the FIR filter given byh(n) = (0.5) ^ n * [u(n) – u(n – 4)] using directform-1.

7 (a) Derive the expressions for order and cut-off frequency of a Butterworth filter. (b) Determine the system function H(z) of a Chebyshev filter type-1 to meet the following specifications:

. Passband ripple ≤3 dB

.Stopband attenuation 2 20 dB

. Passband edge of 0-3 rad/sample

. Stopband edge of 06 rad/sample

Use bilinear transformation method and assume 7 = 1sec.

8. (a) What are the effects of finite register length in the implementation of digital filters?

(b) Explain how the DFT and FFT are helpful in power spectral estimation.

(c) What is the need for multirate signal processing? Explain the process of interpolation and decimation with suitable examples.

9 (a) Obtain the estimate of autocorrelation function and power spectral density for random signals.

(b) Explain the concept of Wiener filtering. Derive weight expression for Wiener filter and also obtain the expression for minimum mean square error.



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