BEU PYQ solution Civil engg. Geotechnical Engineering II 2022
BEU Previous year question solution . BEU Geotechnical Engineering -II 2022 PYQ solution. civil engineering Bihar engineering university question paper of all subject. BEU geotechnical engineering organizer. BEU notes. Civil Engineering 6th sem previous year solution
BEU PYQ solution Geotechnical Engineering 2022
(a) The bulk density of a soil mass below ground water table is equal to
(i) saturated density
(II) submerged density
(i) dry density
(iv) relative density
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(c) The volume of a density bottle is usually
(i) 25 ml
(ii) 50 ml
(iii) 900 ml
(iv) 1000 ml
(d) Soil is in plastic state when the water content is between
(i) liquid limit and plastic limit
(ii) plastic limit and shrinkage limit
(iii) liquid limit and shrinkage limit
(iv) shrinkage limit and zero
(e) Wet sieve analysis is done for the son passing
(i) 75 pm
(ii) 4-75 μm
(iii) 10 mm
(iv) 20 mm
(f) The maximum particle size for which Darcy’s law is applicable is
(1) 75 μm
(ii) 0-2 mm
(iii) 0-5 mm
(iv) 1-0 mm
(g) soil has a discharge velocity of 6 10 m/s and the porosity of 0.40. Its seepage velocity is
(h) Quick sand is
(i) a type of sand
(i) a cond.tion which cohe- sionless soil losses its strength because of upward flow of water
(iii) a condition in which a hesive soil losses its strength
(iv) at None of the above
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2. (a) Explain the phenomena of formation and transportation of soils.
b) Explain the method of determination of liquid limit of soil by Casagrande’s apparatus. What are the limitations of the method?
3 (a)From fundamental, derive an expression for dry density in terms of bulk unit weight and water content.
b) An earthen embankment under cons- truction has a bulk unit weight of 17 kN/m³ and a moisture content of 12%. Compute the quantity of water in liters required to be added per cubic meter of earth to raise the moisture content to 16% at the same void ratio.
4. (a) Describe the Indian system of soil classification. When would you use dual symbols for soils?
(b) Two soils S1 and S2 are tested in the laboratory for the consistency limits. The data available is as follows: (1) Which one is more plastic? (ii) Which one is better foundation material when remoulded? (iii) Which one has better strength as a function of water content? (iv) Which one has better strength at
5. (a) What is flow net? Discuss the characteristics and uses of flow net.
(b) The following data were recorded in a constant head permeability test: Internal diameter of permeameter = 7-5 cm
Head loss over a sample length of 18 cm = 24.7 cm
Quantity of water collected in 100 sec = 1000 ml
Porosity of soil sample was 45%
Calculate the coefficient of permeability and discharge velocity.
- (a) Explain the mechanism of piping in hydraulic structures. What methods are used to increase the factor of safety against piping?
(b) A silt deposit consists of two layers. The top layer is 2-5 m thick (Unit weight= 18 kN/m³) and the bottom layer is 60 m thick (Unit weight 19kN/m³) – The water table is at a depth of 40 m from the top. Draw the diagram showing the variation of total stress, neutral stress and effective stress.
- (a) How the compaction improve the engineering properties of soil
8. (a) Determine the vertical stress under a uniform circular load of intensity Q and radius equation. a using Westergaard’s(b) The wall of a building foundation of width 4 m and length 30 m carries a uniformly distributed load 300 kN/m². Compute the vertical stress along the centre of the foundation at a depth 4.0 m below the bottom of the foundation. Ignore the surcharge effect of the soil over the base level of the foundation.
9. Write short notes on any four of the following:Black/cotton soils b) Silt and clay(c) Plasticity chart(d) Piping(e) Field compaction control B Importance of pressure bulb
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