Bihar engineering university previous year question . beu notes beu organizer professional skill development question paper solution
(a) What the components of the are communication process?
(b) Differentiate between a group and a team.
(c) Define planning.
(d) List the resume. essential components of
(e) What do you understand by the term professional ethics?
(i) Briefly explain the decision-making.
(g) Define leadership.
(h) What is a structured interview?
(i) Who is an entrepreneur?
(j) What do you understand by self- motivation?
ALL in one BEU PYQ solution pdf is provided below
2. What is the importance of gestures and body language in communication?
3. Elaborate what you understand by business etiquettes.
4. What is the significance of planning in timemanagement?
5. What preparation should be made by interviewer before an interview?
6. What do you understand by balancing boardroom?
7. List some important leadership qualities. Discuss the methods for developingleadership qualities.
8. What are the harmful effects of stress? How can stress be managed?
9. What qualities are important to be successful entrepreneur?
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