Get Beu pyq solution Electrical ENGINEERING. These solution is from power plant engineering solution 2021. Beu previous year paper

1 . In a reheat cycle, the initial steam pressure and the maximum temperature are 150 bar and 550 °C respectively. If the condenser pressure is 0-1 bar and the moisture at the condenser inlet is 5%, and assuming ideal processes, determine-

  1. (a) the reheat pressure;
  2. (b) the cycle efficiency;
  3. (c) the steam rate.
  4. Steam leaves the boiler in a steam turbine plant at 2 MPa, 300 °C respectively and is expanded to 35 kPa before entering the condenser. Compare the following two cycles:
  5. (1) A superheated Rankine cycle (ii) A reheat cycle, with steam reheated to 300 °C at a pressure of 0-588 MPa when it became saturated vapour.

2. In a combined gas turbine-steam power plant the exhaust gas from open cycle gas turbine is the supply to the steam generator of the steam cycle at which additional fuel is burned in the gas. The pressure ratio for the gas turbine is 7-5. The air inlet temperature is 15°C and the maximum cycle temperature is 750 °C. Combustion of additional fuel raises the gas temperature to 750 °C and the gas leaves the steam generator at 100 °C. The steam is supplied to the turbine at 50 bar and 600 °C and the condenser pressure is 0-1 bar. The total power output of the plant is 200 MW. The calorific value of the fuel burned is 43-3 MJ/ kg. Neglecting the effect of the mass flow rate of the fuel on the air flow, determine- (a) the flow rate of the air and steam required (b) the power output of the gas turbine and the steam turbine (c) the thermal efficiency of the combined plant.

Beu pyq solution all branch

3(a). Explain the function of a cladding. What are the criteria of selecting a suitable cladding?

(b). A nuclear reactor power plant operates continually for one year producing 500 MW. The power plant efficiency is 33%. The reactor contains 75 metric tons of 3% enriched uranium dioxide fuel. Calculate-(i) the mass of U235 consumed in kilograms (ii) the fuel burnt up in MWd/T.

4(A). with the help of schematic. explain pressurized water reactor(PWR).

4(B). The half-life of radium 226 (atomic mans-22.09) is 1620 years. Compute- (i)the decay constant ii) the initial activity of 1 g of radium 226.

Beu pyq solution

5(a). with the help of schematic, explain boiling water reactor(BWR). what is external and internal circulation?

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6(a). Discuss various Factors which should be considered while selecting a site for a hydroelectric power plant.

6(b). Four jets each of 60 mm diameter strike the buckets of an impulse wheel and each gets deflected by an angle of 165. The speed of the bucket wheel is 45 m/s. Find the velocity of the jet for maximum efficiency, power developed and the hydraulic efficiency. Assume that the bucket moves linearly.

7(a). with the help of diagram, explain pumped hydroelectric energy storage system.

7(b). Explain the principle of energy storage by a flywheel in utilities. on what factors does energy storage depend?

8(a). Explain the principle of MHD power generation with neat sketch.

8(B). what is OTEC? with the help of a schematic diagram, explain a Rankine cycle otec plant.

Beu pyq solution Power Plant = all in one solution of beu pyq power plant

power plant solution of beu paper 2021. we are dedicated to give solution of BEU pyqs solution and we all also provide beu pyq papers

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